9 Menopause Messages from NAMS (North American Menopause Society) 2019

I just came back from the North American Menopause Society’s (NAMS) 30th annual conference in Chicago. In the three days I was there, I learned about the latest research surrounding peri-menopause and menopause. The subject is vast and we know that for every woman menopause and the years surrounding it are a time of change. …

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Part 2: Emergency Snack Stash at Work-Foods to Keep in the Fridge

Emma reveals some excellent snacks you can bring to work! In Part 1 of this blog we looked at food that could be eaten when those afternoon slumps hit. Those foods were healthy, yet non-perishable. Now we will move on to incorporating more fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy into the after snack attack.

Moving Every 30 Minutes Increases Employee Energy & Enagagement

Studies have shown that moving every 30 minutes increases energy and engagement in employees at companies. Motion clearly energizes and gets companies to be more active. After all, the health and happiness of a company directly affects their bottom line.