It’s Your Call with Lynn Doyle: Behind the Scene’s of a Women’s Health Segment

Lynn Doyle: It’s Your Call

“It’s Your Call with Lynn Doyle” on CN8 is honoring National Women’s History Month with a compelling series focused on the important issues facing women today, including gender equality and empowerment.
Dr. Anjali Ray, MD from Cooper Medical Center and I were invited to be guests on the It’s Your Call with Lynn Doyle today for Focus on Women: Women’s Health.
What did it take to prepare for this 30 minute interview with a fast paced and lively discussion on women’s medical issues and nutrition advice ?

I was contacted by the producer Janet, who asked me to list top 10 nutrition issues for women. We both realized this list was too long and edited down to 5 nutrition issues: Weight control, calcium and bone health, healthy fats and omega 3s, portion control and getting enough fruits and veggies. This morning I went over the subjects of discussion and facts I had accrued while on the gym treadmill and committed them to memorization.
I then went to get my nails done and to Trader Joe’s to pick up visual props for the show…walnuts, ground flax seed, avocados, olive oil, fruits, veggies and calcium supplements. I also grabbed a bright blue t-shirt from the Gap.
From there, I was suddenly sitting in a chair getting my hair cut and dried, and then back home to throw prepped fruits and veggies into the car, and put on the suit.
Driving down Route 76 to 95 at 3pm… I thought “Where did this day go?”
At the studio armed with grocery bags and a smile I was shuffled into the Green Room- Dr. Ray was there with her husband and so was Janet. Janet and I set up the food props in the studio and before you know it Dr. Ray and I are sitting at a desk with the dynamic Lynn Doyle. Lights, Camera and ACTION!
I hope you will be able to watch this fun segment on
“FOCUS ON WOMEN: WOMEN’S HEALTH” airing on the following dates & times.
Sunday, March 27, 2011 8:30 p.m. EST/ The Comcast Network:
Monday, March 28, 2011 5:30 p.m. EST/ The Comcast Network:
Monday, March 28, 2011 9 p.m. EST/ Retirement Living TV.