The Year In Health published in the December 7, 2009 Issue of Time Magazine
summarizes the scientific highlights over this last year. From the details of alcoholism to“zzz” science has made great strides in wellness and health- many of these trends are nutrition related. Here are just a few.

Healthy New Year 2010!
Healthy New Year 2010!

Diabetes: The Mediterranean style diet- that high in fruits and veggies, whole grains, olive oil, lean meats and nuts with less than 50% of calories coming from carbohydrates controlled blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes better (56%) compared to diabetics on a low fat diet.

Exercise: Walking 30 minutes a day can help fight depression – getting the blood pumping can help relieve sadness and lethargy. Exercise lowers the risk of dementia, and helps relieve chronic pain.

Energy Drinks: An energy drink increases a brain surge which creates an expectation of more fuel to come and may prod the body to move on for distance runners.

Food Safety: New government guidelines will reform the US food safety system- allowing the FDA to regulate food at the farm level and review corporate records from processing to pathogen testing.

Quercetin: A flavenoid found in some fruit teas, boosted stamina in mice, but tests don’t confirm that it helps in athletic performance in humans.

Vitamins: Researchers at The University of California, Davis found that lower-income kids need vitamin supplements more secondary to a less nutritious diet compared to higher income children who have access to better nutrition and also take supplements.

Weight-Lifting: Breast Cancer Survivors who lift weight had less lymphedema flare ups and were stronger after one year of lifting weights 2x/week for 90 minutes compared to those women who did not.

Weight Guidelines: The Institute of Medicine has issued new weight gain guidelines for pregnant women. Those women with in normal weight should gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. Overweight women should gain up to 25 pounds and obese women 11-20 pounds. Underweight women should gain up to 40 pounds.

Yoga: Yoga for teens with eating disorders provides a spiritual and physical boost but may help reduce obsessive concern about weight. One participant stated” This is the only hour in my week when I don’t think about my weight.”