The Lower Merion Elementary School System outside of Philadelphia is getting ready for GO FOR THE GREENS! week from Monday, March 15 through Thursday, March 18th. Everyone is invited to taste the surprise free green veggie of the day at lunch time and vote on it. Try this in your school!
DAY 1: Our first GO FOR THE GREENS surprise tasting is
1. kind’a creepy
2. From the squash family and
3. Begins with the last letter of the alphabet-
That’s right you guessed it! It’s delicate and tender- perfect for grilling or with a little minced garlic…ZUCCHINI!!! Come taste some free zucchini at lunch today and vote on it-everyone is invited.
DAY 2: Today’s surprise “GO FOR THE GREENS“ veggie is
1. made up of crunchy florettes
2. packed with vitamin C and iron
3. and is known to own stalks.
Yup! BROCCOLI! Try broccoli steamed or raw, add lemon or parmesan cheese or dip it! Have it today at lunch –free and tally it up on the GO FOR THE GREENS Poster!
DAY 3: Today is a green day. It’s St Patrick’s Day, spring is around the corner and The “GO FOR THE GREENS “ surprise veggie sample featured today is
1. yup you guessed it-green
2. can be broad, flat or wax
3. and stringy…
can you guess it! STRING BEANS! Come and taste a yummy free string beans at lunch today- Tally up your taste on the GO FOR THE GREENS poster- everyone is invited!
DAY 4: Today at lunch is the last day to try “GO FOR THE GREENS”.
Can you guess if the following statements are True or False?
The darker the green the more nutritious – true or false?
The USDA recommends 3 cups of dark green leafy vegetables/week -true or false?
Dark greens contain calcium and iron -true or false?
If you said true to all of the above . You are right!
Come try some a SUPER VEGGIE today at lunch- dark green baby SPINACH!- Everyone is invited to this free event.
The SHAC Nutrition Committee hopes YOU have fun GOING FOR THE GREENS!